Saturday, 7 December 2013

Target Audience Research

Film classifications can range from a U to 18 in the UK, here are a brief explanation of each rating:

  • Universal product. Suitable for children over 4.
  • Use of drugs are not prohibited.
  •  Mild swearing is acceptable.
  • Sexual relations can be suggested however not shown, other than kissing.

  • May have some inappropriate themes for children. Parental guidance is advised for children under 8.
  • Mild language can be used (e.g Bitch, Cow)
  • Smoking and drinking can be shown however not promoted.
  • No detailed violence some blood can be shown. No gore.
  • Drugs can be shown however should not give out a positive message.

  • Infrequent bad language can be used. The 'F' word can be used.
  • Sexual relations can be shown briefly or implied.
  • Violence can be shown however not in detail.
  • Infrequent drug use can be shown.
  • Must not linger on dangerous behavior.

  • Strong violence can be shown.
  • Frequent use of strong language can be used. The 'f' word can be used more frequently.
  • Use of drugs can be shown.
  • Sexual relations and nudity can be shown.
  • Extremely strong language can be used.
  • Strong horror.
  • Strong blood and gore can be seen.
  • Full nudity and sexual relations can be shown.

We had set for our film classification to be a 12A. The British Film Classification states that 12A/12 films can have infrequent bad language, some violent elements, and some sexual elements. With these in mind we thought that 12A films suggest that children under 12 can see it, however must be accompanied by an adult over 18. If we were making the whole film our's would fit into this sort of infrequent adult situations as the main focus would be on the back story of the characters rather than the actual thriller/murder thing going on.

For our general target audience we have a focus on 16-25 year olds, with a mainly male demographic. This is due the the amount of young men this age that enjoy thrillers and horrors more than other audiences.

These two films 'Old Boy' and 'American Hustle' are both of thriller genre's and like most have main demographic of Males age 16-25. Giving us evidence for choosing this specific target audience

Based on the demographic we researched the average young man and what they appear to enjoy the most. This came down to, films (Thrillers, Comedys and Horrors) music (Often rap or rock) games (GTA, COD etc.) and browsing the internet.

Thrillers also seem to attract those of a higher class too, this could be due to the complexity of some story lines

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